Thursday, January 10, 2008

Gulf of Tonkin

The US continues its desperate struggle to maintain its superpower status for the next 100 years (according to PNAC), and it continues to use manipulative tactics throughout the media to further its life and inevitable death as a nation. In almost every major conflict that involved Americans, the American government either conducted, fabricated, or allowed enemy attack on its own territory as a pretext for war. The most famous and official incident was the Gulf of Tonkin incident, where it was reported that communist Vietnamese naval forces sunk two American warships. This was the excuse for American intervention in Vietnam, and was recently confirmed as fabrication by American archives.

However, the American people are still ignorant to the facts. Most refuse to believe that 9/11 was an inside job, long since planned by American elitists with powerful government and economic positions. Oil is the new gold, and the US must secure oil sources to survive as a superpower (Russia produces its own oil, China depends on middle east). The US must battle for this oil because it has long since toyed and abused the people of the middle east, and has contibuted to the humilation of Palestine. The next phase of their plan is the invasion of Iran, and the most recent report was a video of "Iranian aggression towards US Navy". The Iranian government called it a fabrication, yet people still buy the ignorant shit of the American corporate government machine.

1 comment:

Ms. Wadlegger said...

There is lots of evidence that 9/11was an inside job - I tend to agree!