Why is it that people find it necessary to constantly bother me about the things that I do? When I sit on a computer to do work, I make sure my work is done by the end of the day. In this time period, I am also able to complete my other, unrelated, internet tasks that are of no business to anyone other than myself. However, I find that people always seem to think that my business is their business, and usually these people see themselves as relevant authority figures over me.
Well, I cannot convey in words how irritating it is to have one of these certain individuals come up to me and bitch at me for not exposing what I am doing (especially when I have my right to privacy). I don't recall ever signing a contract stating that I must show my computer activities to anyone. In fact, if these certain people were smart enough, I'm sure they could simply find out what I do online anyways. If they did that, they would only find that I am doing things far more relevant to my life than pretentious government-controlled learning anyways. Plus, if I ever found out that people are stupid enough to trace my private activities... well, lets just say that some people would be in a world of shit.
What ever happened to human compassion these days anyways? I have no other avenue to do my personal business with, and it's not as if this business is obstructing any "important" stuff anyways. Maybe if someone noses themselves into shit for so long, they may actually get their face full of it.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Monday, April 28, 2008
Орел имперский Российскаяа Федерация
Русский имперский орел будет большим символом любой страны. Причина для этого очень просто: ЭТО БУДЕТ ОРЛОМ С 2 ГОЛОВКАМИ. Теперь, некоторый случайно идиот вне там может спросить их собственной личности, "но почему эта чисто слава?" Я скажу вас почему! Может быть немного орлов двойн-golovki вне там, но только Россия сделана из золота. И реально, другой животный символ смеет возможность этот omnipotent зверь? Орел америки запутал бы с одной головкой пока другая головка сдерживает глубоко в уязвимую шею облыселого орла. Деиствительно, большой имперский орел представляет поистине силу прочности России!
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
The Truth About Narcotics
Narcotics are banned because they are a threat to government control. Governments rely on a certain standard of deception for their people to follow. The problem with narcotics is that they allow an individual to have to ability to clearly see what's truely going on with their lives, though in a meditative and sedative state. Also, in such a state, a person has the ability to be unpredictable ("autistic mode") as opposed to a sober person.
Indeed, narcotics have been used by humans to gain insight for thousands of years. Mystics smoked opium to greatly enhance their metaphysical state. The narcotics allow a person to simply focus on one issue at a time to determine their value.
The same holds true for the modern era, to some extent. The problem is that (most) people have long forgotten how to effectively exploit their 'high' for beneficial purposes (other than pleasure). This gives the government a chance to explain the negative value of drugs, and rationalizes on why they should be banned while ignoring traditional usage.
Indeed, narcotics have been used by humans to gain insight for thousands of years. Mystics smoked opium to greatly enhance their metaphysical state. The narcotics allow a person to simply focus on one issue at a time to determine their value.
The same holds true for the modern era, to some extent. The problem is that (most) people have long forgotten how to effectively exploit their 'high' for beneficial purposes (other than pleasure). This gives the government a chance to explain the negative value of drugs, and rationalizes on why they should be banned while ignoring traditional usage.
Monday, April 21, 2008
Oh Flashlight, Where Art Thou?
My flashlight has disappeared!
I don't know how it happened, but I do remember the last time when I had used it... and I was drunk at the time. I don't think I would have just randomly thrown it somewhere, but it could've fallen out of my stupid, cheap pocket.
This thing cost me $70 from a specialized military store (though there's probably plenty on eBay). It's a tactical flashlight that's designed to be small, lightweight and water-resistant while having a high light output. It can also be attached to tactical firearms with the proper equipment (for ex. R.I.S.).
It bugs me knowing that I'll probably never use this baby ever again. What bugs me more is that there's probably some lucky bastard out there who will. It's probably more likely that I lost it on my own, but, if I ever find out that somebody stole it... well, let's just say that they'll never have need to use a flashlight ever again.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Did I mention that I love zombies before? Oh yeah, I did. Well, since I don't feel like bitching about how the school administration is lead by a group of incompetent feminist assholes, I'll reiterate my point of why the living dead happen to be so awesome.
First off, they're the living dead. This means, above all else, that they are anti-human and therefore we have every right to fight them. Fighting zombies is the greatest thing ever, but I'll get into details later. Usually zombies are only dead humans, which can make them even comedic to some extent (original Dawn of the Dead), but it gets serious when the infection spreads or mutates to other organisms.
Secondly, when zombies spread, its time to whip out the old boomstick. The best, and most classic, zombie-killing gun is of course, the 12guage Remington M870 (featured on the right). This gun is responsible for blasting off more heads than Russian female snipers in WWII.
Though for the more tactical survivor, an M4 or AK-47 might be more adequate. While weaker, they provide more shots and have a much greater and accurate range. However, they can be quite rare if you don't happen to be in the proper "associations".
For the practical people out there, there's always handguns. Most popular and common are 9mms, such as the Beretta M9 or Glock 17. Though for tradition, some choose the .45cal Colt M1911. For power, there's always a wide selection of magnum revolvers out there, such as the .357 Colt Python or S&W .44.
Whatever the situation with zombies, the key is to keep your own head on and avoid any close confrontations with the numerous enemies. They may be slow and incredibly stupid, but never assume that you're always safe. They can retain previous skills and can even adapt if it is necessary. Arm yourself tight, and prepare for a war of attrition; as long as they can't feed on the living, then they will always be on the offensive.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Born to Kill
The first half shows, Hollywood-style, how Marine recruits used to be moulded into killers. The drill instructor is a WWII vet who has a very charming personallity and vocabulary that he uses to communicate with his recruits. His favorite being the seemingly obese and mentally retarded Leonard, who always messes things up for everyone else.
The second half features Joker's career as a military photojournalist in Vietnam. He eventually gets himself sent to a combat zone and meets up with another Marine squad lead by one of his fellow recruits, Cowboy. They continue on through the ruins of Vietnam...
(It's not easy to write this without spoiling anything. The movie is fucking brilliant)
Thursday, April 10, 2008
This Is Why Ash Is Not Just A Girl's Name
One of the greatest movies ever made has fallen into my possession. Bruce Campbell and Sam Raimi are friggen' brilliant for "Army of Darkness" was the climax to the orgasmic series "Evil Dead". Starting in the 80s (the greatest years in human existance), Evil Dead originally started with a couple of teenagers finding themselves stuck in a cabin and surrounded by the forces of darkness after they read from the necronomicon... but Army of Darkness happens years after, long after Ash replaced the stump of his arm with a chainsaw and armed himself with a shotgun. The evil dead send Ash back in time to midievil days where he leads a castle against a seige from the dead. Not just a crazy clerk at S-Mart anymore, Ash Williams kicks some evil ass!
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
That New Independence Fad
What is with this "Free Tibit" crap that is threatening the 2008 Beijing Olympics? I'll tell you what: it's western propaganda to descredit China.
But, why would the US want to do that? It's very simple, the US happens to be a nation that doesn't have a radical separatist group of people screaming for some state indepedence. Ironically, the stronger enemies of the US do.
And what exactly was the catalyst for this incident? A little place called Kosovo. What gave Kosovo the right to indepedence? Nothing. It was an illegal move, per the agreement made by the European Union following the breakup of Serbia/Yugoslavia. And why was the US leading a NATO invasion into Serbia in the late 90s anyways? Because it conviniently covered up the stains on miss Lewenski's dress. So why the big endorsement for sovereignty for Kosovo now from the US? Because Kosovo is a major Eastern European political issue, and where there's Eastern Europe, there's Russia.
When Kosovo declared sovereignty, countries like Russia, China and Spain were pissed because of the illegal implications of it. Why should Russia give up Chechnya when it's proven itself as a great test site for striking cities with tactical missiles and special forces? Why should China give up Tibet when the territory gives the Chinese government key influence in Central Asia?
Apparently there's a bunch of morons, not exclusive to the US, that insinuate unrealistic protests for something that doesn't involve them. What the hell are they trying to prove by attacking the torch, and more specifically, the Olympic Games itself? How hard is it for people to realise that the Olympics are an international event that attempts to unite people of different countries, cultures and biases. When will they learn from the mistakes of boycotting the Moscow Olympics in 1980? Because of stupid political ideals, hundreds of athletes lost the chance to compete for one of the world's greatest honors.
But, why would the US want to do that? It's very simple, the US happens to be a nation that doesn't have a radical separatist group of people screaming for some state indepedence. Ironically, the stronger enemies of the US do.
And what exactly was the catalyst for this incident? A little place called Kosovo. What gave Kosovo the right to indepedence? Nothing. It was an illegal move, per the agreement made by the European Union following the breakup of Serbia/Yugoslavia. And why was the US leading a NATO invasion into Serbia in the late 90s anyways? Because it conviniently covered up the stains on miss Lewenski's dress. So why the big endorsement for sovereignty for Kosovo now from the US? Because Kosovo is a major Eastern European political issue, and where there's Eastern Europe, there's Russia.
When Kosovo declared sovereignty, countries like Russia, China and Spain were pissed because of the illegal implications of it. Why should Russia give up Chechnya when it's proven itself as a great test site for striking cities with tactical missiles and special forces? Why should China give up Tibet when the territory gives the Chinese government key influence in Central Asia?
Apparently there's a bunch of morons, not exclusive to the US, that insinuate unrealistic protests for something that doesn't involve them. What the hell are they trying to prove by attacking the torch, and more specifically, the Olympic Games itself? How hard is it for people to realise that the Olympics are an international event that attempts to unite people of different countries, cultures and biases. When will they learn from the mistakes of boycotting the Moscow Olympics in 1980? Because of stupid political ideals, hundreds of athletes lost the chance to compete for one of the world's greatest honors.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
The Question of God
When I gained independent thought years ago, I was an athiest. I believed solely in the value of science. However, over the years, I've decided that science, while not just boring, was also yet another pompous view of man's ambition to be omnipotent.
I've played around with many beliefs, ranging from ancient mythologies to modern occultism. Simply put, my obscure and radical beliefs exist for the purpose of interest in this boring existance. But, there is one thing that I truely believe in: positive and negative forces. By 'forces', I mean two actual, opposite yet defining forces that create a ballance and dictate all things involved with, at the very least, life itself.
However, the only species stupid enough to question this ballance is man itself. Our governments run civilians (who make up like 99%+) on the basis that we should only pursue positive lives, and anyone who respects negativity is punished. This great imballance will only lead to a massive and negative effect in the future, according to the laws of science and relativity anyways.
Another misleading authority is mainstream religion, who presses government agenda (or rather, is it government based on right-handed religion's agenda?) on at least 2/3 of the human population. They create the reasoning that negativity showed be avoided, and they define what negativity is with extreme prejudice and obselete traditional values. While conciously or not, I believe that they have somehow personified the two opposite forces as Yahweh (God) and Satan (Devil). Along with this, they've made it taboo to question God and his motives, but encourage denouncement of Satan.
All of this irresponsible behavior can only lead to one result. Only time will bring reprecussion for our ignorance.
I've played around with many beliefs, ranging from ancient mythologies to modern occultism. Simply put, my obscure and radical beliefs exist for the purpose of interest in this boring existance. But, there is one thing that I truely believe in: positive and negative forces. By 'forces', I mean two actual, opposite yet defining forces that create a ballance and dictate all things involved with, at the very least, life itself.
However, the only species stupid enough to question this ballance is man itself. Our governments run civilians (who make up like 99%+) on the basis that we should only pursue positive lives, and anyone who respects negativity is punished. This great imballance will only lead to a massive and negative effect in the future, according to the laws of science and relativity anyways.
Another misleading authority is mainstream religion, who presses government agenda (or rather, is it government based on right-handed religion's agenda?) on at least 2/3 of the human population. They create the reasoning that negativity showed be avoided, and they define what negativity is with extreme prejudice and obselete traditional values. While conciously or not, I believe that they have somehow personified the two opposite forces as Yahweh (God) and Satan (Devil). Along with this, they've made it taboo to question God and his motives, but encourage denouncement of Satan.
All of this irresponsible behavior can only lead to one result. Only time will bring reprecussion for our ignorance.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
One Rough Night
I'm just going to go out and say it: gin is fucking disgusting. The other night, a bottle of "tanqueray" is all that we could get our hands on. I thought it would be nice to sample an unfamilar spirit by a bush fire.
I was wrong.
I'm not entirely sure of what happened that night. I'm not sure of why I got drunk with only five or so shots of this crap (plus a few beers). I'm not sure of why I threw up everywhere. I'm not sure of why there was a bag of squished cookies in my pocket. What I am sure of is that if I ever taste ANYTHING remotely close to juniper barries again, I'll probably throw up some more on whoever is immediately standing in front of me.
I was wrong.
I'm not entirely sure of what happened that night. I'm not sure of why I got drunk with only five or so shots of this crap (plus a few beers). I'm not sure of why I threw up everywhere. I'm not sure of why there was a bag of squished cookies in my pocket. What I am sure of is that if I ever taste ANYTHING remotely close to juniper barries again, I'll probably throw up some more on whoever is immediately standing in front of me.
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