Monday, April 21, 2008

Oh Flashlight, Where Art Thou?

My flashlight has disappeared!
I don't know how it happened, but I do remember the last time when I had used it... and I was drunk at the time. I don't think I would have just randomly thrown it somewhere, but it could've fallen out of my stupid, cheap pocket.
This thing cost me $70 from a specialized military store (though there's probably plenty on eBay). It's a tactical flashlight that's designed to be small, lightweight and water-resistant while having a high light output. It can also be attached to tactical firearms with the proper equipment (for ex. R.I.S.).
It bugs me knowing that I'll probably never use this baby ever again. What bugs me more is that there's probably some lucky bastard out there who will. It's probably more likely that I lost it on my own, but, if I ever find out that somebody stole it... well, let's just say that they'll never have need to use a flashlight ever again.

1 comment:

-kelci. said...

hahahahahhahaha you miss it dont you?