Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Three Little Black Fish

So the other day I went to Kamloops with no money. Somehow, near the end of the day, I ended up with over a hundred bucks burning in my wallet and the obsession to buy some fish. Low and behold, mostly thanks to Walmart being the only place left open, I acquired a 10 gallon starter aquarium with three little black moors. I even bought them a little battleship to swim around.

Apparently these guys get pretty big too. The wanker who sold these to me mentioned that they get big, but I didn't realize they meant 10 inches! That's friggin' huge! At least my aquarium can support them. I bought them because of their velvet appearance, but luckily for me they are extremely resiliant to low water temperature. Technically, I'm supposed to have my tank at 22*C, but it's down to around 20*C (not like I can heat it anyways). These guys are also vurnerable to overfeeding, so I'll have to slow down on that too.

Maybe these guys will multiply and I can create a navy of them, maybe strapping lasers to their heads or something.

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