Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Life's Like A River
The past five months have proven to be a great hassle for myself. I've realised that life is a process and that forces love to interfere with that process because of a error in their own programming. Life is a lot like a pair of sunglasses; for instance, I have about ten pairs and no matter how many of those are good, none will ever fit like the first pair that I lost years ago. One day I will find the perfect pair of sunglasses, and when I wear them people will look at me and they'll have no need for words to communicate with me.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Icon: Marylin Monroe
Monday, June 9, 2008
Underwater Carriers, Just A Fantasy?
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Why Society Climaxed In the 80s
The main thing about the 80s is, of course, the fact that it was, officially, the final decade of the Cold War. The concept of 'red vs blue' dominated almost all other global issues. Military technology was at its most fair and ballanced peak. Half of the civilized world was at the other half's throats in order to secure what they considered to be true freedom. To secure this, their leaders lead their countries to clandestine wars; the Soviets in Afghanistan and the secret American counter offensives. And then the Soviet Union met its communist capacity and Russia evolved into a new capitalist empire, with the US pecking at the "revolution" like vultures.
The 80s also provided the world with the best music it will probably ever see. Rock climaxed with the big four thrash metal bands (Slayer, Anthrax, Megadeth, Metallica) premiering. Nothing will ever replace the music they did, especially not the pathetic offshoots in today's hard rock (otherwise known as "nu-metal"). Metal was not the only music type to flourish either; pop music jumped the shark too. Modern pop is nothing more than visual and audio manipulation.
Maybe when the anti-Christ appears to destroy the world in the next few years, he'll be playing a great guitar while he does it. If we're lucky.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Fürchten Sie den Adler
In modern occultic beliefs, this symbolism has been expanded to the point of understanding the animal symbols in old prophecies as actual humans. It is said that the 'eagle' is to be feared, and this has been proven over the centuries by national powers that are represented by the eagle. Such include the imperial eagle powers, such as Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, and Imperial Russia (though their eagle has always been their animal symbol even up to now). Of course there's the US as well, which has a bald eagle obsession.
Monday, May 26, 2008
Five Reasons Why Indy 4 Kicks Ass
1 - It has Russians! And not just any Russians, but KGB Spetsnaz GRU infiltrators (including a colonel!). Stalin's been busy continuing with the mass search for powerful artifacts that Hitler had ordered back in the first and second Indy movie.
2 - Harrison Ford may be in his late 50s, but at least he doesn't let his age slow Indiana down. Indy is still the ass-kicking, physically robust archaeologist that he was in the 30s.
3 - Returning characters! I won't say specifically who, but some return only as memories while others come back with major surprises for Indy.
4 - Incredibly long fight scenes. One scene must have spread over three different areas, killed off many Soviet extras, and lasted over 20 minutes!
5 - The ability to pull off a decent Indy movie twenty years later. Mind you that it wasn't perfect, but it was pretty damn good. Indy was not some old cripple and managed to star in almost every scene, as opposed to a specific younger actor taking the spotlight. The storyline was pretty good too and tied many different legends (both modern and ancient) together with a very interesting plot twist at the end.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Russia and Her Glorious Airforce
- Build aircraft that exclusively rival or counter American aircraft
- Design these aircraft to be effective, yet far cheaper and easier to produce
For instance, the above aircraft is an Sukhoi-30MK. This is one of the most modern models of the SU-27 family (which debuted in the 80s) and is popular for export purposes (specifically to India, Iran, Venezuela and China). The SU-35 is another modern model that is used mostly by the Russian Air Force and is their current rival to the newest American air supremacy fighter, the F-22. Indeed, the F-22 is individually superior to the SU-35 in aeronautics, electronics and weapon systems, but the SU-35 victory comes in cost. The SU-35 only costs 35 million to the F-22's 140 million.
So in likely theory, two F-22s in an beyond-visual range (BVR) engagement with a squadron of five Su-35s would lead to the acceptable loss of two-three SU-35s in the first attack. In the counter, the remaining SU-35s would engage in within-visual range dogfighting and, with their superior mobility, probably down two very expenisive American fighters. Of course, this is only theoretical, because there's many factors to consider (pilot skill, AWACS support, SAM/AA systems).
Though even with this strategy, Russia still has to produce the difference in equipment (they are not at full capacity yet). This is why their testing and employing new techniques and features. For instance, while the US bloats about "stealth" aircraft, Russia tests its own versatile stealth features on its long-range bombers and fighters over the Arctic. Though when concerning Russia, stealth is only one of many technological feats that they've played around with over the years.
Time Goes Fast?
I even remember not being able to afford my firearms license on my 18th birthday back in February, and as we speak I'm filling out the forms with $80 burning in my pocket (thanks to my income tax return!).
I should probably be weary of this time discovery though. I don't know if time passes quickly simply because I can't remember most of it due to intoxication, but what I do know is that if I don't pay attention, I might fall behind in this school crap.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Three Little Black Fish
So the other day I went to Kamloops with no money. Somehow, near the end of the day, I ended up with over a hundred bucks burning in my wallet and the obsession to buy some fish. Low and behold, mostly thanks to Walmart being the only place left open, I acquired a 10 gallon starter aquarium with three little black moors. I even bought them a little battleship to swim around.
Apparently these guys get pretty big too. The wanker who sold these to me mentioned that they get big, but I didn't realize they meant 10 inches! That's friggin' huge! At least my aquarium can support them. I bought them because of their velvet appearance, but luckily for me they are extremely resiliant to low water temperature. Technically, I'm supposed to have my tank at 22*C, but it's down to around 20*C (not like I can heat it anyways). These guys are also vurnerable to overfeeding, so I'll have to slow down on that too.
Maybe these guys will multiply and I can create a navy of them, maybe strapping lasers to their heads or something.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Indiana Jones and the Grad Portfolio of Doom
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Silent Hill - The Greatest Horror Series of All
Silent Hill is based about events that take place in a fictional town, believed to be somewhere in New England, US. The town has a great history, starting off as native spiritual grounds and then a settlement by the English. However, an unknown plague wiped that settlement out. Sometime after that, the town was rebuilt to be used as a base for the American civil war, and housed a POW camp deep under Lake Toluca, which the town mostly surrounds. The return of the plague lead to the creation of two hospitals (emergency and long term care) and a sanitarium (probably just for the sake of being a scary place). Eventually the town boomed into three fair-sized areas into its modern day version.
The games themselves start to take place around the late 80s to current day. The principle storyline (0,1,3) is about a prevalent cult within the town that practices ancient rituals. They believe that they can revive an ancient "god" so they can have their promised land, and to do so, they produce a child with spiritual power only with the intention to sacrifice her at around age 8. The cult itself is very powerful, with its leaders being experts in the occult and a smartass doctor. They fund their activities via a local cocain-like drug called "white claudia". This activity eventually lead to police intervention, but after the cult managed to kill off several officers, they backed off.
Of course this is a very simple synopsis (mostly of the first game), because the entire series is famous for its details. The storyline is extremely brilliant and not so far off from actual occultic activities. There was a decent movie made for the series too, but sadly its storyline and most of the details were far off from the games (movies are never as complex as games), and the movie was very 'hollywoodized'.
The thing in the picture above is called "Pyramid Head", which is featured in the second SH game and mentioned in some others. It's probably the most popular and scariest thing in any horror game series. What it is, is questionable. Some believe its an apparition that provides reprecussion to a specific character while others believe that it is a sub-deity (one of two).
Monday, May 5, 2008
Drugs Pt.2
My point is most prevalent in LSD, which is considered to be one of the most potent drugs available. LSD was originally created as a blood circulatory stimulant, but after Hofmann's magical bike ride in 1943, its primary use became apparent quickly. LSD started off as a government project, and the CIA experimented with it in many different ways. For instance, it was used on alcoholics in sanitariums where it successfully showed the patient an alternate perception on the effects of their alcoholism (ie the effects on their family) and had a high success rate.
LSD also had military considerations. Throughout the 60's, the CIA experimented on its own soldiers to view the negative effects of large doses of LSD. The idea was to litterally drop large clouds of LSD onto the enemy (Vietcong/ARVN) to make the enemy too incompetent to battle. However, LSD also had positive virtues aswell. The proper dosage could make a soldier feel little or no pain, and to have little influence by emotion (an upgrade from morphine). Also, through modern warfare, some soldiers (specifically snipers) have experimented with LSD and morphine because it allows them to see the battlefield in a new, more efficient and unpredictable way to the enemy. For instance, if a sniper who was hunting another sniper took LSD, they had a higher chance of percieving the location of their enemy through otherwise unknown differences.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Well, I cannot convey in words how irritating it is to have one of these certain individuals come up to me and bitch at me for not exposing what I am doing (especially when I have my right to privacy). I don't recall ever signing a contract stating that I must show my computer activities to anyone. In fact, if these certain people were smart enough, I'm sure they could simply find out what I do online anyways. If they did that, they would only find that I am doing things far more relevant to my life than pretentious government-controlled learning anyways. Plus, if I ever found out that people are stupid enough to trace my private activities... well, lets just say that some people would be in a world of shit.
What ever happened to human compassion these days anyways? I have no other avenue to do my personal business with, and it's not as if this business is obstructing any "important" stuff anyways. Maybe if someone noses themselves into shit for so long, they may actually get their face full of it.
Monday, April 28, 2008
Орел имперский Российскаяа Федерация
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
The Truth About Narcotics
Indeed, narcotics have been used by humans to gain insight for thousands of years. Mystics smoked opium to greatly enhance their metaphysical state. The narcotics allow a person to simply focus on one issue at a time to determine their value.
The same holds true for the modern era, to some extent. The problem is that (most) people have long forgotten how to effectively exploit their 'high' for beneficial purposes (other than pleasure). This gives the government a chance to explain the negative value of drugs, and rationalizes on why they should be banned while ignoring traditional usage.
Monday, April 21, 2008
Oh Flashlight, Where Art Thou?
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Born to Kill
The first half shows, Hollywood-style, how Marine recruits used to be moulded into killers. The drill instructor is a WWII vet who has a very charming personallity and vocabulary that he uses to communicate with his recruits. His favorite being the seemingly obese and mentally retarded Leonard, who always messes things up for everyone else.
The second half features Joker's career as a military photojournalist in Vietnam. He eventually gets himself sent to a combat zone and meets up with another Marine squad lead by one of his fellow recruits, Cowboy. They continue on through the ruins of Vietnam...
(It's not easy to write this without spoiling anything. The movie is fucking brilliant)
Thursday, April 10, 2008
This Is Why Ash Is Not Just A Girl's Name
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
That New Independence Fad
But, why would the US want to do that? It's very simple, the US happens to be a nation that doesn't have a radical separatist group of people screaming for some state indepedence. Ironically, the stronger enemies of the US do.
And what exactly was the catalyst for this incident? A little place called Kosovo. What gave Kosovo the right to indepedence? Nothing. It was an illegal move, per the agreement made by the European Union following the breakup of Serbia/Yugoslavia. And why was the US leading a NATO invasion into Serbia in the late 90s anyways? Because it conviniently covered up the stains on miss Lewenski's dress. So why the big endorsement for sovereignty for Kosovo now from the US? Because Kosovo is a major Eastern European political issue, and where there's Eastern Europe, there's Russia.
When Kosovo declared sovereignty, countries like Russia, China and Spain were pissed because of the illegal implications of it. Why should Russia give up Chechnya when it's proven itself as a great test site for striking cities with tactical missiles and special forces? Why should China give up Tibet when the territory gives the Chinese government key influence in Central Asia?
Apparently there's a bunch of morons, not exclusive to the US, that insinuate unrealistic protests for something that doesn't involve them. What the hell are they trying to prove by attacking the torch, and more specifically, the Olympic Games itself? How hard is it for people to realise that the Olympics are an international event that attempts to unite people of different countries, cultures and biases. When will they learn from the mistakes of boycotting the Moscow Olympics in 1980? Because of stupid political ideals, hundreds of athletes lost the chance to compete for one of the world's greatest honors.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
The Question of God
I've played around with many beliefs, ranging from ancient mythologies to modern occultism. Simply put, my obscure and radical beliefs exist for the purpose of interest in this boring existance. But, there is one thing that I truely believe in: positive and negative forces. By 'forces', I mean two actual, opposite yet defining forces that create a ballance and dictate all things involved with, at the very least, life itself.
However, the only species stupid enough to question this ballance is man itself. Our governments run civilians (who make up like 99%+) on the basis that we should only pursue positive lives, and anyone who respects negativity is punished. This great imballance will only lead to a massive and negative effect in the future, according to the laws of science and relativity anyways.
Another misleading authority is mainstream religion, who presses government agenda (or rather, is it government based on right-handed religion's agenda?) on at least 2/3 of the human population. They create the reasoning that negativity showed be avoided, and they define what negativity is with extreme prejudice and obselete traditional values. While conciously or not, I believe that they have somehow personified the two opposite forces as Yahweh (God) and Satan (Devil). Along with this, they've made it taboo to question God and his motives, but encourage denouncement of Satan.
All of this irresponsible behavior can only lead to one result. Only time will bring reprecussion for our ignorance.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
One Rough Night
I was wrong.
I'm not entirely sure of what happened that night. I'm not sure of why I got drunk with only five or so shots of this crap (plus a few beers). I'm not sure of why I threw up everywhere. I'm not sure of why there was a bag of squished cookies in my pocket. What I am sure of is that if I ever taste ANYTHING remotely close to juniper barries again, I'll probably throw up some more on whoever is immediately standing in front of me.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Russia Lives On!
As the joke goes, Putin and Medvedev go to a fancy restaurant to celebrate United Russia's newest electorial victory. Putin orders the steak, and the waiter asks "and what about vegitable?" Putin replys, "Oh, he'll have the steak too".
It is very true, the Russian people have spoken and United Russia has again slayed the "dragon" lead by western idealist radical Gary Kasparov (who, by the way, wasn't even Russian to begin with). Russians, and of course many unbiased people throughout the world, love Putin and the glory and power that he has brought back to the Motherland. In his honour, Putin did not change the Russian constitution for the ability to lead for a third term, but instead entrusted the reigns to his friend and vice-prime minister Dmitry Medvedev. In return for this act of generosity, it is guaranteed that Putin will alternatively take the prime minister position, for the happyness of Russian people, of course.
Hopefully Medvedev is up for the task of defending Russia from radical "colour revolutionists" in former Soviet Bloc states, Chinese expansion, and Western provocation. If not, he can always refer to advice from comrade Putin, who is only one chair away from his own.
Monday, March 3, 2008
Back In Black
Five weeks I had spent, attempting to pull my life together from this unfair nightmare. Even after the truth and corresponding facts have presented themselves, they refuse to accept the great error that they've created. Instead, they have taken the opportunity to jump around their own "agreements" and "compromises" to simply override and ignore the evidence that rendered their previous arguments obselete. Without accepting responsibility, they drop all responsibility on me and since they control the strings, who is there to know the difference but I?
This entire mess has been created out of the irrational and unsubstantiated fear that they've created in my image. Facts have been twisted, fabricated or even made so vague to support their arguments without any of my consent and sometimes even knowledge. They've taken me away from my structure, my goals, and my friends simply because I do not follow after their conformist, government-loving modeling. In this democracy, the only logic is the logic chosen by the majority in a group; so far I am the only one who fully understands and supports my side, while the others continuously deteriorate my own freedoms for their own "comfort levels" while under the delusion that I accept what they are doing.
I will continue to fight this rail-roading manuever by those who have now become my only personal enemies. But at what levels would I even be heard without bias? At this level, would they even care about one students education? In the past, I made the choice to further trust the system, in hopes that it would not make another judgemental mistake based on bias and fabricated information. I have spent the last five weeks regretting that very decision, for the system has failed me a second time.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
The Insanity That Is Known As America
After 1997, a neoconservative group known as the "Program for a New American Century (PNAC)" was formed from foremost American elitists. During their meetings, they had planned the future events that would help guarentee American supremacy for the next 100 years. Their agenda included manipulating the American public and the international community through the media, including a fabricated attack on America itself to gain influence towards their goals. Now, it's become apparent that some of their agenda has actually been coordinated and carried out (Including the 9/11 attacks, and Afghan/Iraq invasions).
This organization is a very real; they are a group that will stop at nothing to ensure the future of their oppressive nation and in the end, deep bank accounts. Here are some key PNAC members:
Jeb Bush - Brother of President George W Bush, son of President George HW Bush
Scooter Libby - Assistant to Bush administration
John Bolton - Former ambassador to the UN, advocate extremist of "war on terrorism"
Donald Rumsfeld - Former Secretary of Defense
Paul Wolfowitz - Head of the World Bank (appointed by Bush admin)
Dick Cheney - Vice President
This is only a handful of the American extremists who seek to terrorize the world into creating a neo-American empire. More information can be found here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PNAC
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Ode to the T-90

One of the main features of the T-90 is its use of the 9M199M Refleks ATGM that can be fired through the 125mm gun as a follow-through if the main shell fails to destroy the enemy vehicle.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Gulf of Tonkin
However, the American people are still ignorant to the facts. Most refuse to believe that 9/11 was an inside job, long since planned by American elitists with powerful government and economic positions. Oil is the new gold, and the US must secure oil sources to survive as a superpower (Russia produces its own oil, China depends on middle east). The US must battle for this oil because it has long since toyed and abused the people of the middle east, and has contibuted to the humilation of Palestine. The next phase of their plan is the invasion of Iran, and the most recent report was a video of "Iranian aggression towards US Navy". The Iranian government called it a fabrication, yet people still buy the ignorant shit of the American corporate government machine.
Tuesday, January 8, 2008

- Iron Maiden
- Megadeth
- Slayer
- Black Sabbath
- Metallica
- Therion
- The Scorpions
Of course there's many more metal bands out there, but these are the bands who've influenced me the most. They take the concept of music to the extreme and inferior music bands cowered away from them (including those pussies known as "glam metal"). Heavy metal will forever run in my soul, and will bring me the power that I've earned!